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Chapter 13: “A Bittersweet Ending”

Topics Covered

Refugees are saved but millions did not survive during WWII

Quotes From The Film

"A few individuals taking a risk can change history."

- Stephen Morewitz, Ph.D

Grandson of JL & Sallie Rome Morewitz

"We survived. 6 million didn't and that is a catastrophe."

- Irving Redel

SS Quanza refugee and Holocaust survivor

Put Yourself in Their Shoes:

In the film, Stephen Morewitz said: 

     "A few individuals taking a risk can change history."

  • What does he mean by that?

  • Do you know of someone who has taken a risk and stood up for what's right?

  • Have you ever taken a risk and stood up for something you knew was right?

  • Name some upstanders in the film and what they did.

In the film, Harry A. Morewitz said: 

     "We had the ability and the capacity to save them and we didn't."

  • What could the United States have done differently to help refugees during WWII?

  • What do you think the United States should do regarding refugees today?

In the film, Irving Redel said: 

     "We survived. 6 million didn't, and that is a catastrophe."

  • What did he mean by that? 

  • Are there examples of catastrophes happening today that the US could/should help?

Dig a little deeper...

  • Define perpetrator, collaborator, bystander, upstander, and victim.

  • How did each play a role in WWII?

  • How does each play a role in a specific conflict today?

  • Is a bystander less guilty than a perpetrator and a collaborator?

What Can I Do?

More Information

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