Chapter 13: “A Bittersweet Ending”
Topics Covered
Refugees are saved but millions did not survive during WWII
Quotes From The Film
"A few individuals taking a risk can change history."
- Stephen Morewitz, Ph.D
Grandson of JL & Sallie Rome Morewitz
"We survived. 6 million didn't and that is a catastrophe."
- Irving Redel
SS Quanza refugee and Holocaust survivor
Put Yourself in Their Shoes:
In the film, Stephen Morewitz said:
"A few individuals taking a risk can change history."
What does he mean by that?
Do you know of someone who has taken a risk and stood up for what's right?
Have you ever taken a risk and stood up for something you knew was right?
Name some upstanders in the film and what they did.
In the film, Harry A. Morewitz said:
"We had the ability and the capacity to save them and we didn't."
What could the United States have done differently to help refugees during WWII?
What do you think the United States should do regarding refugees today?
In the film, Irving Redel said:
"We survived. 6 million didn't, and that is a catastrophe."
What did he mean by that?
Are there examples of catastrophes happening today that the US could/should help?
Dig a little deeper...
Define perpetrator, collaborator, bystander, upstander, and victim.
How did each play a role in WWII?
How does each play a role in a specific conflict today?
Is a bystander less guilty than a perpetrator and a collaborator?