Opportunities to Help Refugees!
There are many ways you can help a refugee in need today - even remotely. You, too, can make a difference in the lives of refugees.
Whether it’s one day or a longer commitment, you’re bound to positively affect the lives of young refugees. There are countless opportunities to help make a difference while fulfilling your volunteer hours as well!

Reach out to an English-Language Learner.
Do you know someone who struggles with speaking English? An easy way to help a refugee in your community is to talk with them! Learning the language of a new homeland is critical to settling in a new place.
Sign up for the Paper Airplanes program and tutor a refugee for an hour a week.
Reach out to English-language learners in your school, neighborhood, or spiritual community.
Volunteer in your community or abroad.
Take action by speaking up or joining a virtual or in-person rally!
Ask your Member of Congress to co-sponsor the GRACE Act, which would set a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000.
If a parent, uncle, aunt, or grandparent is an educator, attorney, or community organizer, they can volunteer too! Learn more about HIAS volunteer opportunities near you.

Share your celebration with a refugee. Buy a tablet!
Next time someone asks you what you’d like for a gift, consider asking for a gift for a refugee.
You can ask for school supplies or something fun for a teenage or child asylum seeker in 6 cities in Mexico. Visit the Sidewalk School’s Amazon Wish list to buy items like an Amazon Tablet, a workbook or a friendship bracelet kit!

Reach out to your local or state representative.
Make your views known and help change public policy!
Even if you’re too young to vote, your voice matters. Elected officials like hearing from young people. After all, you’re the future voters and leaders in the community!
Reach out to your Representative in the House, or your Senator.

Use social media to learn more and raise awareness.
Create a post on your favorite social media platform about the current day refugee crisis.
Follow people and organizations that are helping refugees.
Use hashtags like:
#RefugeeCrisis, #RefugeesWelcome #WeWereRefugeesToo #NeverForget #NobodyWantsUs

Create or join a Refugee Advocacy Club.
Students across the world are mobilizing and are proving to be a powerful force for championing refugee rights.
No Lost Generation has student chapters in the U.S., Jordan, Norway, and Finland.
UNICEF school clubs help bridge the gap between students and local refugee communities - host tutoring sessions, fundraisers, and community engagement events.
If you can’t find a local club to join, start one in your school or community!

Launch a Clothing or Toiletry Drive.
One of the easiest ways to make a meaningful impact on the lives of refugees is to launch a clothing or toiletry drive in your school or community. When people are driven from their homes, many times they are forced to leave all of their belongings behind. When they arrive in refugee camps or their new home countries they are often in dire need of basic staples, including food, toiletries, and clothing.
Host a clothing and toiletry drive any time of the year.
Contact your local refugee resettlement agency and inquire how and when you can drop off the donations.