Share This Inspiring
Holocaust Refugee Story!
WHAT: The Pay It Forward campaign offers a special opportunity for individuals or companies to donate the EMMY nominated PBS film Nobody Wants Us to an educational institution of their choice.
The Nobody Wants Us film and educational modules create a better understanding of the plight of Holocaust refugees and help students reflect on the similarities of the challenges that current refugees are facing.
WHY: Help share this important story with the next generation so that they never forget and take action today. Our goal is to make the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program available to all senior high and junior high schools throughout the United States.
This film paired with standards of learning-aligned modules enriches the Holocaust curriculum by broadening the context, sharing stories carefully vetted by experts, and providing high-quality content teachers need to engage their students.
Content has been vetted by Holocaust experts and educators and
complies with US History, Virginia US History, Social Studies,
World Geography and Language Arts standards of learning
(USII.7b, WHII.11d, VUS.11e.)
Educational resources have been annotated with the Commonwealth of Virginia
Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework.
HOW: With your donation to our Pay It Forward Campaign, you will make the 43-minute documentary and our accompanying educational modules available to a school (or schools) of your choice - at no cost to the schools.
Here is how you can help with a tax-deductible donation made possible by the Sousa Mendes Foundation:
$90.00 provides the school of your choice access to
the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program for 2 weeks.
(discounts for multiple schools)
$150.00 provides the school of your choice access to
the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program for 1 year.
(discounts for multiple schools)
$500.00 provides the school(s) of your choice
PERMANENT access to the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program (discounts for multiple schools)
$1,000.00 provides the school district of your choice
access to the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program for 1 year.
$5,000.00 provides the entire state of your choice
access to the Nobody Wants Us Educational Program for 1 year.
PLEASE NOTE: Your name/company will be featured on screening materials. View a sample screening page HERE.
Thank you in advance for helping create a better understanding of
the plight of refugees - both during WWII and now.